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Off the racetracks at Hella

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#1 jak



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Posted 16 July 2006 - 23:00

The "Norske" drivers were braking a lot of parts in the first round of the World Cup at Hella.

Ole Graversen broke the Transmission in The Eagle early during the 1. round. He and his men tried to fix it but unfortunatly he did not make it to the 2. round.

Roar Johansen broke the pinion in the front axel of Thunderbolt.

Roar Johansen grabbing a bite and talking to Guðbjörn Grímsson, Bubbi. while he waits for a new camb and pinion.

Ole Kristian Rustan wrapping "Adrenaline" in cellopane for the night.

Finn Erik Løberg broke the transfercase in RaceRunner

Haraldur Pétursson, left, was the only big name in Formula OffRoad in Iceland that was not racing at Hell. Here he is talking to Ole Kristian Rustan who waits his turn, ready to put the pedal to the metal.

Fru Rustan was happy with her man.....

......and gave him a big kiss after The Swamp.