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Eurotrial filmen er klar!

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#1 RockStar


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Posted 19 December 2006 - 00:00

Hi all,

Eurotrial 2006 DVD is now ready and I have already delivered it to customers in Finland. Sorry this little delay, I had problems (with my computer based editing system) to produce DVD but anyway it's now ready.

There is total 1h 40min material and it's following:
-cars in line, parade and opening ceremony 10min
-tracks 4, 5, 7 and 10 approx 17min each one
-collage from sunday 16min
-final results
-prizing ceremony

DVD price is 20EUR / piece + delivery costs.

Delivery costs to EU countries are following:
1-2 DVDs 2,20EUR
3-4 DVDs 3,60EUR
more than 4 DVDs 5,00EUR

Delivery costs to all other countries:
1-2 DVDs 4,60EUR
3-4 DVDs 7,60EUR
more than 4 DVDs 10,00EUR

There is two different payment methods, PayPal service and bank transfer by using IBAN / SWIFT codes.

If you want to pay by PayPal please answer this mail and send also you postal address.

If you want to pay to bank use following codes:

IBAN: FI09 5520 0120 0393 42
Payment recipient: MV DIGI

Please calculate total cost (DVDs + delivery costs) and it's your TOTAL. Customer will pay ALL MONEY TRANSFER COSTS INCLUDING RECEIVING COSTS, please say this in your bank!!! Please add also your postal address information to note area.

If you want to order also something else than Eurotrial DVD please contact me by e-mail.

Merry Christmas everybody!

Best Regards,

MV Digi / Mika Varis
Katajapolku 7as17
FI-44150 Äänekoski

Mobile: +358-400-915393
Skype: mikavaris
E-mail: mika.varis@mvdigi.net
WEB: www.mvdigi.net

Pål Blesvik
Tlf: 91531373
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#2 mivari


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Posted 30 December 2006 - 00:00

Delivery costs are same to Norway than EU countries

MV Digi / Mika Varis