Ingos Y60`91
Posted 14 November 2003 - 00:00
Bakkeklaring er kjekt å ha, er det noe tilsvarende du har Ronny? HEHE
Brontos utgave av nivaen hadde vært gøy og hatt i eie.
Lys arrangementet er skikkelig pinglete i forhold til resten (stil).
Noen digre warn lamper hadde ikke vært å forakte, men noen er mer mørkeredde enn andre.
Posted 25 May 2004 - 23:00
Posted 09 March 2004 - 00:00
Den var så stiv at det kjentes ut som en go-kart, blei ikke fjæring før over 120
Tok piruetter forover og bakover. Du skal få se en video jeg har.
Posted 09 March 2004 - 00:00
0-100 på 7 sekunder!
Posted 09 March 2004 - 00:00
Men når folk sier at det er den mest bedritne bilen, fysj og ærsj osv, ja da blir jeg også litt sur.
Det er som regel ikke folk som har hatt en sånn bil som sier sånt.
Men dem har sin sjarm, har hatt mange av dem jeg
Leste en biltest for noen år siden. Lada lå på 15Žde plass eller noe når det gjaldt antall stopp osv. Chrysler/Voyager lå på bunn, som nr 30.
Så når folk slenger dritt så har jeg funnet at dem som regel ikke selv aner hvorfor
Posted 09 March 2004 - 00:00
Se på bildet så ser dere 2 stk. Kanskje litt fy å legge inn Toyota på en Ladagarasje, men dem satt på Ladaen min. Så det så
Posted 09 March 2004 - 00:00
Takk for tipset.
Posted 09 March 2004 - 00:00
Posted 09 March 2004 - 00:00
Har sett noen slike som ble kalt for anaconda eller no slikt!
"An expert is somebody who learns more and more about less and less until one day they know absolutely everything about nothing"
Posted 09 March 2004 - 00:00
Fant noen dekk på nettet, noen som kjenner til disse?
Posted 23 October 2004 - 23:00
Fant denne artige Suzukien på nettet, med vinge:D:D:D
Member of russerbanden fra Lier
Posted 10 February 2004 - 00:00
Vet ikke om dere la merke til forsterkningen på dette staget (ringet rundt) med vinkel?
Stor fordel å forsterke dette staget da det er hulrør.
Lada Niva `93
Come up 9000i kan brukes foran/bak
kanalbeskyttere kommer snart
ny clutch
Hengerfeste foran og bak
Endret av - ingos on 10 feb 2004 19:32:40
Posted 18 October 2004 - 23:00
du ingos det var voldsomt med russiske linker, har du lært deg russisk nå?
'92 Lada Niva
'03 Ski-Doo Mxz 800 REV x
Suzuki lj50 med kadett motor
Posted 20 October 2004 - 23:00
sjappe. Det er vistnok HellaNor som ikke greier å levere.
De mangler bare tre deler før det er komplett.
Posted 20 October 2004 - 23:00
Posted 14 November 2004 - 00:00
Noen fordeler må man ha som far;)
Mye snø det var komme hos dere, her er kommet noen få snøfiller.
Fin Frøken November:D:D:D
Bildene får jeg ikke sett på, uansett hvor mange ganger jeg klikker på dem. Klikket vel ca 30 ganger å det skjer ikke mye. Har dere vært ute å kjørt i snøen:wtf:
Fikk du gjort mye med bilen i helga?
Member of russerbanden from Lier
member of lortligaen from Oppdal.
Posted 30 September 2004 - 23:00
Posted 29 September 2004 - 23:00
I prolly haven't explained it proper, so here goes.
remove the lower wishbone and remove/cut off mounting bolts for the plate that sits on the top of it, don't damage the plate, you will find that this plate is ovular in shape? four mounting holes are drilled in this plate to secure to the lower wishbone, two are further apart than the other two? widest mountings at the rear by the shocker.
cut two lengths of 1"x1" box section (needs to be a fairly thickish wall thickness)the same length as the widest part of the plate, where it sits on the wishbone, take one box section and drill the two widest apart holes in it so that the plate will sit 1" above the wishbone, the other box section drill the two narrower mounting holes so that the outer edge of the plate is flush with the end of the box and you should find that it will be too long fo the plate?
now cut both box sections from one corner to the oppposite corner, you should now have two wedges the length of the plate at it widest part and 1" deep at the outside edge and tapering to nothing on the inner edge? the other box cut the same and mount up using longer bolts in the outer holes. cut off the excess wedge on the inboard side of the narrower part? weld to the bottom of the plate so that when mounted the plate should now secure the shocker and spring in their original positions, but the lower wishbone should now be approx 1.5" lower than original. IE: raised suspension. You might want to check brake line positions before you try out offroad?.
The rear I have raised using rubber "coil spring assistors" bought from local Towsure warehouse, I used the smallest ones, which gave a 1.5" lisft on the rear, just insert between top of spring and mounting plate attatched to chassis... A longer rear brake flexi pipe is need, or move mounting plate that secures steel brake pipe to underside of floorpan.
Next remove the front suspension anti sway bar and mounting brackets, cut all rubber bumpstops down by 1" (25mm) and you will find a lot more articulation and enable the fitment of larger tyres.
Happy modding and hope you can understand it all, most will become apparent during the mods.
Don't laff, it might just show you up and not me..
George, pictures of my motor before and after lifting, not very good quality but they do show the extent of lift.
Next thing I shall do is to remove the spare axle from my spare car and reweld/extend all the mounting points by 2" and the fit under my car (spring plates, shocker mountings and four bar links) gives me a 2" lift without the need for longer shocks. should enable the same articulation without the hassles. I shall also fit braided brake lines, two inches longer than standard to improve brakes and stop the flexi pipes from too much damage? also strengthen the two lower rear radius bars at the same time.
Posted 26 October 2004 - 23:00
Hvordan kan jeg få lagt inn tekst i bildet, noen som har peil på dette:wtf:
Member of russerbanden from Lier
Posted 28 September 2004 - 23:00
Here is a photo i forgot i had taken whilst doing the mods. the fronts are 1"x1" box section. make them up as a pair and then cut them into the wedge shape as seen. rears are just the rubber spring assister inserts but put on top of the spring instead of into the spring itself, all i did was to use cable ties to tie them in place.All this is curtesy of a guy called HooDoo from a forum on Ladauk site.
Fant dette på en utlandsk side. Vet ikke helt enda hva jeg mener om dette.
Det er artig å se hva folk finner på med Ladan.